recete des pâtes fraiches maison
Food recipes

Home-made fresh pasta


Serves 4

For plain white pasta

  • 100g wheat flour
  • 100g durum wheat flour
  • 2 eggs

For green pasta

  • 1 egg
  • 50g spinach or sorrel
  • 100g wheat flour
  • 100g durum wheat flour

For pink pasta

  • 60g cooked beetroot
  • 1 egg
  • 100g wheat flour
  • 100g durum wheat flour

For red pasta

  • 50g tomato concentrate
  • 1 egg
  • 100g wheat flour
  • 100g durum wheat flour

For blue pasta

  • 50g blueberry mash
  • 1 egg
  • 100g wheat flour
  • 100g durum wheat flour

For yellow pasta

Same as plain white pasta + 1 dose of saffron powder or one teaspoon ground curry.

How to proceed

^Mix all the ingredients in a food processor. Process the dough for at least 10 minutes. Personnally, I let my bread machine do the job 🙂 Then roll into a bowl, put flour all around it, cover with cling film and leave to rest for at least one hour or, ideally, overnight. Roll in a pasta maker, passing the dough twice at each width, until you reach the one before the last (number 5 on my machine). Then if you want to make lasagna (the easisest!), just cut the dough into big rectangles. If you want to make tagliattela, pass the dough through the pasta maker again, with the proper tool. Then leave to dry for one day. Cook in boiling salted water, during 3 to 4 minutes. Bon appetito!


  • Do not hesitate to add flour regularly to avoid the dough getting sticky.
  • I highly recommend using half durum wheat flour, otherwise your dough will be sticky. It is hard to find but really worthwile. Try to find an Italian or North African grocery store to find it.
  • If you make lasagna or ravioli, you can wait a little bit until the dough gets drier and easier to cut. In oppositon to that, if you make tagliatella, make them right after having rolled the dough, while it is still soft.